ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson

images Scarlett Johansson marries ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett
  • Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett

  • kshitijnt
    05-10 10:55 PM
    Are you sure you are not confusing with Indian epics that discuss how Lord Brahma had sex with his own daughter? :D :D

    Unfortunately, you are showing your culture here with responses like this by clearly proving that you are incapable of provding a proper response. You are not making any case here, actually you are undermining it. This clearly shows the contempt that you have for the people of the country where you are desparately trying to immigrate to.

    If things were so rosy in India compared to US, you wouldn't be posting in this forum, will you?

    As a matter of fact, people like you, irrespective of the qualifications, should never be allowed to immigrate to anywhere. You should remain in India or should I say "arsha-bharatha"?

    What are you showing hunter here? American hipocracy & bigotry in full light? How is your culture any good with what you have posted?

    wallpaper Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan
  • Scarlett Johansson and Ryan

  • grupak
    03-25 05:04 PM
    ... If this would have been the real way ( I and all of us wishes that) the these recruiting guys may not dare to insist till you spit the speific word out and that is before interviewing. In my experience, I always had verbal conversation. ...

    I agree we might not always have hard evidence unlike the OP here. And lot of employers might be doing this. I have never faced this, yet. However, we have to act on it. The first step is to complain to the govt. Maybe if there are lot of complaints, govt will investigate and find the dirt, and fix it.

    Another idea is to bring it to the attention of the job boards that discriminatory ads should not be posted. Lets give this a try.

    To those effected, write to the govt if you are in a situation where you can.

    ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. scarlett johansson, van wilder
  • scarlett johansson, van wilder

  • kushaljn
    01-21 10:13 AM
    Read FAQ # 34 from the following link.


    This does not need to be paid to HDFC. You can pay cash, in my case I paid cash for this.

    Whats the fee of INR 155 for? Nothing of that sort was mentioned to me by the consular officer. He just asked to submit the passport. But if you do have to submit, should I get it in form of a receipt from HDFC as I did for the visa appointment or just cash?

    2011 Scarlett Johansson and Ryan ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds
  • Ryan Reynolds

  • punjabi77
    11-20 02:26 PM
    Correct me if I am wrong. If a person has a good paying job and if he decides to foreclose, isn't he responsible for the loss incurred by the bank. It is a different case if you have no income, but just because you lost money because of a wrong decision, how could you walk away free with just a dent in your credit history. Maybe I am missing something here.

    BTW, I am not judging OP in any way, just curious with how foreclosures work as they make headlines everyday now.

    Thanks for the feedback so far from people on this group.
    Answering to the question about making bad decision and having a good job..well it is not my bad decision that has brought down the whole market but the banks and stupid people who took loan and didnt knew the consequences of ARM loans and then started filing for foreclosure.. because of those foreclosures the property rates have went down and i cannot get what i paid for the house.
    if this whole mess was not there then anyone can find a good job and sell his house, if not profit then atleast with no loss..

    i hope u got my point..


    ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. 2011 ryan reynolds and
  • 2011 ryan reynolds and

  • puddonhead
    08-31 07:47 AM
    I just called CS of Vonage and asked them about 5k minute limit. They just laughed as I was not the first one to ask. They said for residential Vonage world plan there is no limit. those 5k applies to business . So rest assured and call India without any fear or limit. Unlimited !
    So I am happy.

    The 5000 minute limit is phrased as "consistent with residential use" term in the Terms and Conditions. CS is often clueless.

    For more details - look at the chat transcript I posted in the fatwallet forums Chat Tanscript - Look at the 8th post in this page (http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/hot-deals/946947/?start=120).

    Or - even better - look at the original Terms and Conditions (http://www.vonage.com/tos/#SERVICE). The relevant section is section 5.4, named "Inconsistent with Normal Use".

    ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. ryan-reynolds-scarlett-
  • ryan-reynolds-scarlett-

  • factoryman
    05-24 06:24 PM
    Height, weight is noted.

    For adults (man or woman) only Tetanus and MMR is needed. Children, take your child's school vaccination record; by elementary school end, this record should be complete and they will not no vaccination needed. Go to your doctor /HMO and get these done. For MMR they will say, oh, you don't need, we will do antibody assay (to squeeze more money from Insurance). Show your left hand and ask them to poke. Tetatus is IM and MMR is SC (sub cutaneous). Then and there take a vaccination report.

    Go to doctor. First visit - they will draw sample (for HIV test) and then give Mantoux Test; this is Intra Dermal injedtion. usa your right hand - (for BCG or TB). No skin reaction, don't worry.

    Skin reaction over 5mm with raised skin (induration or something). I had a postive skin reaction. Then doctor will take complete physical , take an x-ray. In 99% of case TB will be ruled out ( you see the positive skin reaction is saying that your were exposed to TB bacteria in the past - not necessarily disease). The chest X-Ray is the dignostic proof, that no TB was there at all or is not thee now. This X-Ray and Physical is on the 3rd day after 48 hours. The X-ray is not included in the sealed cover, only conclusions of X-ray and Physical.

    For those 1%, don't worry. Even if you are diganosed your I-485 will not be rejected. You have to take an undertaking and prescriptions and medicines. You will be treated in 3 to 6 months. Then they may complete your case. This para is my educated, logical and common sense guess.

    For a good doctor, in Denver / Aurora area of CO, PM me. Good and nice American Doctor and staff.

    All you said is correct, except for you don't need Hepatitis B if you are over 16. No, there are no more tests involved, unless your tb is positive. If you tb is positive you need to do chestX-ray. I know that because I was just doing the tests for myself. Varicella must be taken twice 30 days apart. Same applies to MMR.

    I hope this helps. If you go to a good doctor, he will give you a complete list of things that you need to do before coming on the medical exam.



    ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds amp; Scarlett
  • Ryan Reynolds amp; Scarlett

  • cougar123
    01-21 01:38 AM
    Whats the fee of INR 155 for? Nothing of that sort was mentioned to me by the consular officer. He just asked to submit the passport. But if you do have to submit, should I get it in form of a receipt from HDFC as I did for the visa appointment or just cash?
    Yes, you can only deposit your passport at the western VFS locations only if you are interviewing at Mumbai. In my case I gave my passport to a responsible friend of mine in Mumbai who in turn was able to deposit the PP with INR 155 as the fee to VFS.

    You can not give the passport directly to the consulate, they will not even accept it as that makes them liable for the passports.

    2010 scarlett johansson, van wilder ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson marries
  • Scarlett Johansson marries

  • royus77
    06-29 07:30 PM
    For the nth time.. numbers are reduced only after approval and not based on receipt of application. So if you can submit it on July 2nd you submit it on 3rd and so on.

    485 Approvals are coming in thousands every day ( as per the increasing activity on pending 485s)...and DOS can any day suspend if they think numbers are over ..so if you are lucky on 2nd you are in and so on ..remember GCs are not only approved in US only it been happening at all the visa posts all the world


    ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson
  • Scarlett Johansson

  • samrat_bhargava_vihari
    06-29 05:38 PM
    I am joining Law Suit. I am leaving this country, if they make it 'U' for Eb2 and Eb3 for India.
    i don't see a point here. they no need to approve the cases if no visa numbers but what wrong to accept. thoguh I am effecting by this my feeling is that this is just a rumor.

    hair Ryan Reynolds ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson#39;s husband
  • Scarlett Johansson#39;s husband

  • english_august
    07-11 12:15 AM
    Please use this link to email to your friends and reporters the media coverage for this event


    I will keep this link updated with any new reports.

    Please use this thread to report all media articles - I will try to stay on top of this thread and update the main link on a regular basis.


    ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. ex-husband Ryan Reynolds
  • ex-husband Ryan Reynolds

  • CADude
    09-25 02:11 PM
    I didn't get the phone# for USCIS compaint dept. But some one(may be ashres11) posted one phone#18003238603 for DHS. I called that number and it turned out Inspector General office. As i reported earlier. He told me to call regular USCIS 800. I said it's useless. He took some note and asked to call this new number 877-246-8253.

    E-mail :

    Fax :

    I got the LIN# I-765 from congresswoman office per USCIS reply.

    I had followed your footsteps Cadude long time back. One quick question, how to I bug USCIS complaint dept.. or inquiry dept. any email or fax number?
    I am in corresp. with my senator and congressman.
    ps : Did you call USCIS to make sure your checks are encashed or got LIN numbers?
    I know you got your I-765 numbers.

    hot 2011 ryan reynolds and ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan
  • Scarlett Johansson and Ryan

  • kaisersose
    03-25 02:45 PM
    Just talked to a recruiter from a software giant.

    She specifically wanted to know if I was on EAD and if yes, unfortunately they cannot hire EADs during the fourth quarter (now) due to hiring budget limitations that are typical during the fourth quarter.

    Q: Why does budget come in to picture here?
    A: Because policy requires the legal dept to be consulted for visa holders and EADs which means additional hiring costs plus time.

    But she said once the fourth quarter passes, EAD hiring is not a problem.


    house ryan reynolds and scarlett ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan
  • Scarlett Johansson and Ryan

  • akela_topchi
    08-07 01:55 PM
    All this verbal fight from SunnySurya and Rolling_Flood reminded me of a similar situation:


    All talking .. no action...

    tattoo ryan-reynolds-scarlett- ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds And Scarlett
  • Ryan Reynolds And Scarlett

  • amslonewolf
    09-15 09:26 PM
    The markup is scheduled for 9/17 Wednesday..



    pictures Ryan Reynolds amp; Scarlett ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds Wants Babies
  • Ryan Reynolds Wants Babies

  • simple1
    06-16 03:42 PM
    yes it is(both about work and supervision), read the pdf.

    The L-1 Reform Act amends previous legislation by addressing the issue of “outsourcing.” L-1B temporary workers can no longer work primarily at a worksite other than their petitioning employer if the work will be controlled and supervised by a different employer or if the offsite arrangement is essentially to provide labor for hire, rather than service related to the specialized knowledge of the petitioning employer. This limitation will apply to all L-1B petitions filed with USCIS on or after June 6, 2005. This includes extensions and amendments involving individuals currently in L-1 status.

    as IV community we must be against these violations. We must support only the compliance L1B.

    Sir, the question is not
    Who actually controls the work?

    the question is
    Who actually controls the L1 person by directly managing him/her?

    big difference.

    dresses Scarlett Johansson and Ryan ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan
  • Scarlett Johansson and Ryan

  • arkrish68
    09-10 02:06 PM
    Today I and my wife had an infopass appointment and were told that our I485 case is in Adjudication review and should expect an interview soon. I asked the officer is there anything wrong and he replied back that everything is fine. I am not sure what adjudication review is and why there is an interview if everything is fine :confused:

    We also opened SR on 9/1/2010 and I got the response today for the SR request and it has the following details

    "Your case is currently under review. You should receive a decision or notice of other action within 60 days of the date of this letter." Does this mean that we will not get the GC atleast in the next 60 days?

    Did anyone had an interview before or anyone know what should we expect in the interview.

    Thanks in advance.


    makeup Scarlett Johansson ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. ryan reynolds and scarlett
  • ryan reynolds and scarlett

  • gc_buddy
    11-12 02:55 PM

    Please don't be afraid to share your denial info. At this time, OMB is asking to remove all personally identifiable information from reciept notices. So, we don't have to worry. We will get much attention only with specific evidances. Please do not hesitate..

    I have recieved Omb response since I partificipated in the campaign. But, I have not used AC21 yet. Will be contacting PD_Recap for further direction.

    girlfriend Ryan Reynolds And Scarlett ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett
  • Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett

  • l1fraud
    06-17 09:49 PM
    Dear L1Fraud,

    Great job. I could not do this as I was afraid of Personal attacks and pulling down by the Free raiders. I was lazy too. Hope you read my PM reply.

    Thanks for your commitment.

    Once again request you to please contribute to IV.

    Good luck.

    Thanks and I am ready to contribute BUT not with this id :-) ... anyway once I am out of my job related uncertanities would like to join IV as an active member.. will try reaching out to my state IV members (btw where can I get that info from?)... Thanks once again guys.

    hairstyles ex-husband Ryan Reynolds ryan reynolds and scarlett johansson. Ryan Reynolds Scarlett
  • Ryan Reynolds Scarlett

  • prashantc
    01-22 12:08 PM
    Interviewed: Jan 2 2008
    VO said visa approved, will receive in 7 days
    Jan 18: received a call from the consulate, said the petition number on the application is incorrect, and I need to resubmit the approval notice with fresh DS 156/157 at the Bangalore VFS drop box.

    Has anyone else been through the same situation?

    I checked a copy of the original DS-156/157, and there was no place to enter receipt number. The only place I could see was where the VFS pre-screening guys enter this number manually (first page DS 156 top right corner).

    If this is due to their mistake, I will be very angry and will convey this to the consulate general.

    08-17 02:02 PM
    Thanks gbof and Anil for replying...

    I raised SR on Aug 12th..No Response Yet...

    Infopass appointment said that my file got assigned to Examination officer on Aug 4th...Not sure if Examination Officer and IO are same or not...

    But the real kicker is i got second FP on July 26th, 2010 for Code 1...I didnt see any LUD after second FP...I am guessing this is where i am stuck with second time name check or back ground check verifications...

    Also is it good to go for DHS 7001 form right way...i mean ombudsman request...

    Donot worry about FP....2nd FP is not absolute must.....there are too many approvals without 2fp. Just hold on and you will get the mail outta blue.
    BTW: I had 3 FPs, in sep07, june09 and dec09. They had somehow alloted 2A#s and each generated fp. Finally, they consolidated A#s.....Hopefully, my next posting 'll be after I get cards in hand (hopefully, those are waiting for me in my mail-box, today) this evening :D:D

    08-23 09:20 PM
    Hey guys,

    I asked a few questions regarding multiple filings to Rajeev Khanna, see question no 15....


    and his answers are recorded in the following link...


    FBI name check will be done once only...and if we ve not mentioned on both 485 forms about the other one we should write a letter to INS and inform them....which wud help in not delaying...

    If u ve any other info plz share....


    The links in the prev post are broken, here are the working ones:

